Cowboy Church is a Christian family-friendly Celebration held at a riding arena featuring skilled horsemanship, Christian music, and a Biblical message. It aims to welcome those with no church background, and/or former church-goers who have stopped attending, especially those who are fascinated by horses. Cowboy Church offers an appeal…
We envision the implementation of three kinds of Cowboy Church Events that would take place in a 4-8 week rotating rhythm, namely Celebration arena events, Meal Fellowship events, and In-Home personal invitation events. We envision the equipping of a Cowboy Church Team to brainstorm, plan, and…
We are committed to excellence in our gatherings, whether they are team meetings or Cowboy Church events, so that the Good News about Jesus Christ can be creatively and effectively communicated, and so that more and more Christ followers can be added to His Kingdom. We are…
Horses receive grain and supplements needed each and every day. Each horse has a different need. The Cowboy knows each horse and prepares the grain and supplements accordingly. He then feeds each horse and provides for them everyday. God does the same for us…
Round pin training is a form of training for horses that allows the horse to freely run in an enclosed area as the horse trainer directs them which direction to run in. It allows a relationship of trust to be built between the horse…
A horse has the ability to make 17 different facial gestures – they will tell you exactly how they feel. We need to be more like the horse and be authentic just as Jesus called us to be. Cowboy Church is a Christian family-friendly…
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